Amazon unveiled the Echo Show 21 on Wednesday, marking its largest Echo Show to date. This smart display offers twice the screen size of the current Echo Show 15, which has also received an upgrade.
Both devices feature improved audio capabilities, including twice the bass and room adaptation technology that adjusts sound output to match the room's acoustics.
Camera enhancements include over double the field of view and a 65% zoom increase compared to the original Echo Show 15, ensuring you stay in frame during video calls, even when moving. Noise reduction technology also delivers clearer audio during calls.
The Echo Show 15 and Echo Show 21 act as smart home hubs, supporting Matter and connecting seamlessly with Wi-Fi, Thread, and Zigbee devices. They can control various smart home functions, such as lighting and plugs. Notably, these are the first Echo devices compatible with Wi-Fi 6E, offering smoother streaming experiences.
Additionally, users will soon be able to customize their Echo Show home screens with new widgets for sports scores, breaking news, and stock updates.
The Echo Show 21 is priced at $399.99, while the upgraded Echo Show 15 is available for $299.99. Both models include an Alexa Voice Remote and wall-mounting accessories and are now available for purchase.
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